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About Listen Up Platform for Action

Who is the platform for?

The Listen Up platform for action can be used by community-based, national and international humanitarian actors to support women and girls safe and equitable access to humanitarian aid, and safely provide information to Gender-based Violence (GBV) survivors to link to response services.

Who made this platform?

The Listen Up platform for action has been designed by a collective of Ugandan and South Sudanese women's groups, GBV, Child Protection, and wider protection actors, livelihoods, health and education actors, women's participation, gender equality, and PSEA experts. 

The IRC and Sonjara used community-centered and human-centered design approaches to create this platform with multiple stakeholders engaged in humanitarian assistance in Bidibidi and Imvepi.

How to use the platform

The Listen Up platform for action is a collaborative effort which encourages participation by local and international humanitarian actors to improve the platform and welcome feedback from the diverse women and girls in the refugee and host community. Please provide feedback using the red pop up at the bottom right of the page!

Please contact us to get sign in details for your organisation so you can update the information in the referral section to support other actors to refer women and girls at risk and GBV survivors to access your services.

Focus on women & girls

Women and girls experience gender based violence on a daily basis. Due to unequal power structures between women and men, girls and boys; and harmful gender norms, women and girls routinely experience sexual violence, harassment, exploitation and abuse, intimate partner violence, early, child and forced marriage, denial of resources, services, and opportunities, emotional and physical abuse by male community members, partners, and men in positions of power.

Listen Up aims to amplify the voices and power of women and girls from refugee and host communities in the design, implementation, and monitoring of humanitarian action. Listen Up aims to create a movement across all humanitarian actors to catalyze institutional reform, interagency action, and increased resources to reduce violence against women and girls in humanitarian settings.

Learn more about Listen Up and IRC's women's movement building work

For questions or queries,  please contact us.