Locate and Share GBV Services in BidiBidi

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Remember, if someone needs help in the community after experiencing gender-based violence, do not ask the survivor for details of the violence she has experienced. Use the information below to give information on the nearest available health and psychosocial support services as a priority. Each Women's Centre has trained GBV case workers who can provide information on services and support the survivor to safely access multisectoral care. Case workers can also advise on how to make a report of SEA.

Uphold survivor-centred principles: Be respectful.  Keep confidentiality. Non Discrimination. Promote women and girls' safety and security at all times.

View Do's & Dont's  Check X - dont' 

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  • Abdul Agoyi
    Save the Children International, Uganda
    Parikle Cell, Yumbe Town Council, Yumbe District
  • Amaalu Women Center
    International Rescue Committee
    Zone 1, Village 1
  • April Women and Girls Center
    International Rescue Committee
    Yumbe Town Council
  • Ariwa 1
    International Rescue Committee
    BidiBidi Zone 5
  • Asante Women Centre
    International Rescue Committee
    Zone 5, Ariwa, Village 14
  • Atibo Muzamil
    Catholic Relief Services
    Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Yumbe T.C
  • Bangatuti Health Center 3
    Ministry of Health
    Block 2, Zone 4
  • Baraka Women Centre
    International Rescue Committee
    Zone 3, Village 1
  • Betty Ide
    Togoleta Women's Group
    Zone 2
  • Bidi Bidi Medical care
    Medical Team International
  • Bidibidi Health Center 3
    Ministry of Health
    Block 10, Zone 1
  • DanChurchAid
    Yumbe town
  • DanChurchAid
    Yumbe town
  • DanChurchAid
    Yumbe town
  • Emmanuel Women Center
    International Rescue Committee
    Zone 3, Village 14
  • Faith Women Centre
    International Rescue Committee
    Zone 5, Ariwa 2
  • Fortunate Women and Girls' center
    International Rescue Committee
    Bidibidi Zone 5
  • Harriet K test
    Harriet K test
  • Hope Women Center
    International Rescue Committee
    Village 3, Zone 3
  • Igamara Health Center 3
    Ministry of Health
    Block 5, Zone 4
  • International Rescue Committee
    International Rescue Committee
    bidibidi zone 5
  • IRC Yumbe offices
    International Rescue Committee
  • Iyete Health Center 3
    Ministry of Health
    Block 7, Zone 1
  • Jomorogo Health Center 3
    Ministry of Health
    Block 5, Zone 3
  • Jujumbita Women Center
    International Rescue Committee
    Village 4, Zone 4
  • Kombgee Health Center 3
    Ministry of Health
    Block 10, Zone 3
  • Koro Health Center 3
    Ministry of Health
    Block 5, Zone 2
  • Lokete Women Center
    International Rescue Committee
    Village 11, Zone 3
  • Luzira Health Center 3
    Ministry of Health
    Block 2, Zone 3
  • Morijita Women Center
    International Rescue Committee
    Village 7, Zone 4
  • Okubani Health Center 3
    Ministry of Health
    Block 15, Zone 5
  • Oxfam base station
  • Progressive Women Center
    International Rescue Committee
    Village 6, Zone 2
  • Rock Women and GIrls Centre
    International Rescue Committee
    Village 10, Zone 3
  • Rwot tek women and girls center
    International Rescue Committee
    zone 2
  • SGBV support to survivors
    American Refugee Committee/Alight
  • Standfirm Women Center
    International Rescue Committee
    Village 11, Zone 1
  • Swinga Health Center 3
    Ministry of Health
    Block 7, Zone 2
  • Twajiji Health Center 3
    Ministry of Health
    Block 3, Zone 1
  • Unity Women Centre
    International Rescue Committee
    Zone 5, Ariwa 1
  • Women on the Move Women Center
    International Rescue Committee
    Village 5, Zone 2
  • Yangani Health Center 3
    Ministry of Health
    Block 4, Zone 5
  • Yayari Health Center 3
    Ministry of Health
    Block 10, Zone 2
  • Yoyo Health Center 3
    Ministry of Health
    Block 3, Zone 3
  • Yumbe

  • Yumbe District Council Women Caucus
    Yumbe District Council Women Caucus
  • Yumbe Police Department
    District Local Government