“Some Women and Girls have been missing food because the mode of distribution has changed the food is very little causing more violence because men would want to sell the food and when their wives try to stop them they end up quarrelling/fighting.”

The Listen Up Platform for Action  has been designed by a collective of Ugandan and South Sudanese refugee women's groups, GBV, child protection, and wider protection actors, livelihoods, health and education actors, women's participation, gender equality and PSEA experts with support and guidance from IRC and Sonjara.

The aim of Listen Up is to amplify the voice and power of refugee and host community women and girls to improve their safe and equitable access to humanitarian aid.
Click a link below to get started.

“GBV especially (IPV) is on increase because men are always at home 24 hours, a life they have never led before. Also men can't provide for the family thus failing to meet the basic needs of the families hence leading to fights, insults and abuses"

life support iconMap of GBV Services

lock Women & girls' equitable and safe access to humanitarian aid

lightbulb Lead and Participate