RWC Executive Committee - Zone 1/Village 13 Back to Committee List

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Committee Details

Refugee Welfare Committee

Not Specified

    Committee Members
      Excel Member Name Position Sex Age Range Current?
      Joseline Yoyo Vice Chairperson Female 26-40
      Moro John Secretary for Youth and Sports Male 26-40
      Doreen Tabu Secretary for Women Affairs Female 26-40
      Tabu Johnson Secretary for Security Male 26-40
      Wani Moses Secretary for Production and Environment Male 41-55
      Esther Poni John Secretary for Nutrition, Health and Sanitation Female 26-40
      Aite Rose Secretary for Finance Female 26-40
      Akaru Helda Secretary for Education Female 26-40
      Wolyan Charles Secretary for PSN Male 41-55
      Mukili Michael Neighbourhood Watch Male 18-25
      Sebeti Charles Neighbourhood Watch Male 18-25
      Joice Taji Neighbourhood Watch Female 26-40
      Lubari Joseph Neighbourhood Watch Male 26-40
      Rukia Faida Neighbourhood Watch Female 26-40
      Yeno Joyce General Secretary Female 26-40
      James Salah John Chairperson Male Unknown
      Jerisa Jambo Advisors Female 26-40
      Paul Kenyi Advisors Male 41-55