Safety Audit KII - Violence against Women and Girls

Saftety KII Details |  Safe & Equitable Access  |  Access to GBV Services  | Violence against women and girls

Security Concerns for All Women

Has there been an increase in security concerns affecting women and girls in your community

Violence against Women 18-55

Are you concerned that there is violence being perpetrated against women (age of over 18-55 yrs) in this commuity?
please explain what types of violence are being perpetrated against women (age of over 18 – 55yrs.)

Violence against Adolecent Girls ages 10-18

Are you concerned that there is violence being perpetrated against adolescent girls (ages 10-18) in this community?
What types of violence are being perpetrated against adolescent girls (ages 10-18) in this community?

Violence against Women 55+

Are you concerned that there is violence being perpetrated against women who are older (over age of 55) in this community?
types of violence are being perpetrated against older women (over age of 55)

Violence against Women and Adolecent Girls with Disabilities

Are there women and girls with disabilities (intellectual and physical) in your community?
Are you concerned that there is violence being perpetrated against girls with disabilities (intellectual and physical) in your community?
What types of violence are you concerned are being perpetrated against women and girls with disabilities (intellectual and physical) in this community?

Violence against Women and Girls from Ethnic Minority Groups

Are there women and girls from ethnic minority groups in this community?
Are you concerned that there is violence being perpetrated against women and girls from ethnic minority groups in this community?
Please explain what types of violence are targeted to women and girls from minority ethnic groups in this community?

Violence against Women and Girls with Diverse Sexual Orientations or Gender Identities

Are there women and girls with diverse sexual orientations or gender identities in this community?
If yes, are you concerned that there is violence being perpetrated against them?
Please explain what types of violence are being perpetrated against women and girls with diverse sexual orientations or gender identities in this community?

Context of Violence

In what context in the community does sexual violence occur?
Which of these groups have access to your community?
Are you aware of people in authority or positions of power WHO might be perpetrating sexual exploitation and abuse of refugees?
If yes, by whom?

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